Thursday, April 9, 2009

Baby Gifts.

As each of my nieces have had their babies I have tried to make something special for each baby. I love giving hand made things and I hope they have enjoyed receiving them. Here is the quillo I made for Ayla and one of her new bibs. Lady bug bibs have become my favorite bibs for the girls and a little turtle bib for the boys (I'll post a picture of the next turtle bib I make). I have not made a quillo in a long time, the last one I made was for John David for his 8th birthday. And John David would be 23 years old. For those that don't know what a quillo is "it is a blanket that folds up to become a pillow" John David and Christina loved theirs, they would put their feet in the pocket of the pillow when it was really cold out to keep their feet warm. christina still has hers and my brother has John David's. It is nice to see the fruit of your labor when you have completed a project. And these projects are small enough that it takes very little time to get them done

Lady Bug Bib (sorry it's dark)


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